Monday, November 17, 2008

The post to end all posts.

It appears that the day has come for me to post. Bear with me as I dazzle readers with my anecdotes and stories. Without further ado, the tale of the all-knowing Jason. 

Jason was an old man, crying out for help in his old, decrepit hut one day when the titanic Bill came along, like an angel out of the blackened sky. Jason's shark-like skills allowed him to survive his near-death experiences, aided by Bill's expertise in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

Bill sat Jason up in his seat and handed him boiling green tea as he questioned the old man. Jason recited tales of his childhood, being raised by a pack of wolves. From there, Jason went on to live among the trees and the birds, listening closely to their calls and memorizing the songs, only to hum them at later times.

Bill was nearly falling off of his chair in awe of this unknown man's tales, when he heard a crashing sound at the door. In crawled a newborn infant, clothed only in the purest of white linens. As this infant crossed the threshold, Sean came running in after it, beady-eyed and panting. 

"Don't go near the baby!" shouted Sean. 

"What is wrong with this baby? It's... It's growing rapidly into... into a giant!" clammered Bill.

Before their eyes, the infant grew into a beastly being, eight feet tall and a couple wide. It grew armor plates, seemingly out of its own skin, and became a fully reptilian being. 

Disgusted by the site, Jason once again began to clamor. He had seen it, somewhere. 

Just then, the beast roared. It charged at Bill, who stood facing towards it, in front of Jason's chair.

In the nick of time, Bill grabbed up a steel javelin that was conveniently located next to him. He parried the attack and sent the beast flying back. With this, the beast and Bill were sent into hours and hours of conflict, jumping on tables and crashing through plates. Yet conflict only strengthened the beast, and Bill was tiring of the brawl.

As Sean and Jason sat, open-eyed and in awe, the beast suddenly halted the fighting. He turned to Jason, and began to mutter guttural noises from the depths of his throat. "Eek!"

Jason listened, unable to comprehend what the monster was attempting to communicate. Trying as he might, there was nothing linguistic about the monster's voice.

Yet, after minutes of trying to understand what the beast was saying, Jason finally understood.

This monster was not saying anything at all. This monster was afraid.

Sean was aghast at his own behavior. He had chased this poor baby, turning it into a devilish creature. Bill also was saddened, he had fought this monster and fed its anger.

And, miraculously, the monster began to shrink as the humans began to understand.

They stopped chasing it, they no longer fought against it, and it grew back into regular form.

And then, the baby crawled back over the threshold, and into the forest.

-Sean needs to write a sequel. And yes, try to get some meaning from all of this. Sorry Bill and Jason. 


Meghana said...

Amazing. Love that you put a baby into it.

Alex said...

I'll get back to you as to what I make of this one.

MK said...

I'm excited for Sean's part as long as the words don't get too big....we must keep in mind of this blonde person here. hehe!

Bill A. said...

I was not pleased in how I was personified. I feel like I am made out do be negative and constantly depressed. I don't think that I inspired my character. Oh, I knew that it was your post just from the title. (Blank) to end them all is definitely a Pat Carey comment.

Pat said...

Actually, Alex, I'll give you a hint. The meaning of it is pretty much spelled out in the last couple "paragraphs."

Even I have trouble finding it, though.

Lauren T said...

This rocks so hard.
I especially loved:
"Sean came running in after it, beady-eyed and panting.
"Don't go near the baby!" shouted Sean."
Very interesting. Abstract, too. Nice work. :)

Pat said...

Hahaha thanks guys.

It's like one of those weird works of art.

Except Sean's in it, so it's a couple times more awesome.

Fatima H said...

It is a really creative story, what is it with monsters and nature, the theme keeps on coming up, is this inspired by Bill and Sean's performance for the monster achetype project? Heheheh!

Well, I thought it was a funny poem, as to make something of it, uh... :)

Taylor B said...

haha, so pretty much this really random story just made my night. As for a more serious comment, nice job, it was well written.

Can I make a request that the "Sean Dance" be incorporated into the story?

Bill- I wouldn't take your character personally (I can't tell if you are being sarcastic).

Pat said...

Bill was sarcastic.

I portrayed him as the hero, can he ever be happy with anything? Haha

Bill, it's all good.

MK said...

AHH...taylor I make that request too!
"Sean Dance" better be in the next that would make my day!

chelly. said... it. that's really all I have to say, but like alex, i'll post later with a "meaning"...hahaha. okay now i'm done.

Kyle P said...

Pat, I really...enjoyed this story. And now everyone knows about Sean's obsession with babies!

Pat said...

That's right.

The next post shall be the next installment in the:

"Gospel of Sean's love for babies."

Kathryn said...

Haha, that's hilarious.
I was definitely reliving Bill's monster sounds from your presentation. I say we have an encore.

Katie said...

I knew that Sean would write something about babies..