Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Future: So Far, Yet So Close...

I know that half of us attended a four-year planning with our parents and counselors. We basically planned out which classes we would (indefinitely) be taking over the course of our four years based on what fields we consider going into in our post-high school careers.

For example, I've known for a long time (since kindergarten, actually) that I wanted to become an author or some kind of writer. As I got older, my interests grew and I wanted to become a journalist and because of a deep passion for writing music, a lyricist.

Well, as I was talking with my counselor, I mentioned how I would love to coach volleyball at some point. She then recommended the teaching field. Learning the skills of a teacher would help my skills as a coach. I thought about it more after the meeting and I thought...well, I really like to write and I really like to help kids. What if I became an English teacher??!

Now, of course there are other options, like for me I love sports and again, I love helping others...well there's always physical therapy.

I suppose that there's something for everyone. There are so many options out there, so many unopened doors, waiting to be discovered. If you don't know what you want to be yet, just think about what you are truly passionate about and what your interests are. Try new things, take new'll find something.

This is your chance to express how you think your talent(s) will help make a difference in the world. What will you contribute to our society? How will others be affected?

I want to know what you want to be. Engineer? Teacher? Musician? Author?...and why?!?! I really want to know!!! If you don't know...well, c'mon, there's got to be something that you're good at! =)


Darrell G said...

I would love to become a Doctor! I also want to help people, and as most jobs do, I want to contribute back to society. What I really fantasize about is taking part in Doctors Without Borders. I want to go to other countries and help those who may not have the benefits that we do here in America.

It's hard to believe that four years from now we'll be on our way to becoming whatever "role" we want to be. It's a good idea to start exploring the infinite opportunities that we have. 8)

Meghana said...

There are so many opportunities, it all just makes my head spin. I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what I'd like to do as a career, but after college I want to work with Habitats for Humanity or some like organization and travel with the sole purpose of helping people. If I could do simply that with my life, I would. But because I need to make money somehow, I'm thinking about going into business.

chelly. said...

Okay, I didn't really expand on why I want to become what I want to be. I wanted to become an author because creative writing enables you to write about basically anything that you want, without plagiarising, of course. Not only can we express ourselves freely but we can step into a whole different world. We can create a whole different world. It can be as awkward, silly, scary, or serious as you want it to are in control of the pen and paper. Because we can't all be the next J.K. Rowling or Stephenie Meyer, I also have an interest of teaching English. That way I can teach kids how to express themselves and how to emerse themselves in a whole different world. I could spread my love of writing, hoping that others will love it too.

MK said...

I think I'm like meghana in the way that I have no idea what I want to do! People tell me I should be a lawyer because I love to argue, but I say I want to become a teacher. People tell me I should become a singer, but I would rather write the songs than sing them. There are so many things to do! I sometimes wish people would just assign you a job so you didn't have to stress over it. I guess I'm just not ready to grow up. I don't want to live a life of work, but I guess i'll have to.

chelly. said...

hmm..i think we have several writers in the class. that's awesome.

Alex D said...

One more, Chelsea. =) I was like Meghana and Mary until very, very recently. Everyone in my family assumes (or assumed) that I'm going to be a lawyer- law has been in my family for countless generations, and my dad and my grandpa actually currently have their own personal injury law firm that I've been expected to inherit. I mean, my older sisters sure won't. One's into math and ASL, the other's into musical theatre.

But what I really, really want to do is be a journalist. I am essentially 110% sure on this. I like to think I'm pretty quick-witted and a pretty good creative writer. I'd like to do some work with (irony of ironies, Darrell; I swear to God I'm not making this up) Reporters Without Borders, which advocates free speech around the world.

Which doesn't rule out a law degree. A law degree could actually be really useful as a journalist. =)

But don't worry, we have PLENTY of time to figure it all out!

Taylor B said...

I am jealous that Darrel already took my dream! Ever since I was little I have wanted to be a doctor, just the idea of saving lives on a day to d ay basis is rewarding beyond belief. I also love to travel and see the world, and to incorporate both of my dreams I want to join Doctors Without Borders or the Red Cross. Darrell pretty took all of my thoughts, but I will have to repeat some of what he said again. Because I am privileged and grew up in such a great area with great schools, I feel that it is my duty to give back to the world.

chelly. said...

taylor, i was thinking about going into medicine for similar reasons. firstly, i feel hurt when i see others in pain. even if it's just a family i see on the news that lost a child, i feel that it is my job to alleviate their sorrow. or if I see a car crash, I immediately feel sick. I feel that I have to find a cure for all the diseases that don't, I feel that I have to discover the true cause of cancer, I feel that I don't have to...but I want to.

Anna said...

I have found that academics are grouped into two different areas: math/science and english (foreign language)/history. Unfortunately, I do not fall into the cookie-cutter, meaning I am language/science brained. I also have a strong musical side. I always thought I wanted to be a doctor ever since I was little, but now after seeing some things in high school, I'm considering linguistics, genetics, getting a straight medical degree, and even persuing foreign language. Basically, I have no idea what I will end up doing, but these are my options so far!