Monday, November 24, 2008

Computers, Ipod, cellphones, Oh My!

           Let's face it, we can't live without modern technology today. How else would we chat on facebook, or do our Webassigns or get to surf the net, listen to music conveniently or talk and text and the same time! People who created these things were geniuses!!!!

            A week ago, in my fashion/textiles  elective, we were watching project runway and the designers had to create clothes for the year 2050. That got me thinking; what would life be like in year 2050? If you were on a reality show like this and were given a task to create an advertisement for an invention for the year 2050, what would it be? For Example, When I was small I came up with the Robo3000!!! "The Robo3000 can clean your room, do your homework, do the dishes, drive for you, buy you everything, and it can read you bedtime stories!! For a small price of $19.95, it is all yours! Call 1-800-ROBO-3000, that is 1-800-ROBO-3000. Call NOW. And Wait! If you call within the next 5 minutes, you'll receive a second one free! Call NOW!" It was a lot of fun, try it and see what you can come up with ! :)



Darrell G said...

You're totally right. Technology is the base on which this modern society is built on, and our generation which is growing up with it will further advance it in coming years. Well, the purpose of technology is to make "chores" more efficient, so I would expect that by 2050, most tasks will have a machine to do it for them, even the most simplest.

There's already a "robo vacuum" that vacuums your house without anybody being there, and as it bumps into objects it memorizes its location. So within time, it memorizes your whole house, and where everything is. A possible invention for 2050, I think would be a robot that mows the lawn for you! It's just a thought; really there's a countless number of ideas. One of those "transporters" maybe; when you step into it, it transports you to your destination, almost like an elevator, except not as limited. It sounds ridiculous, but at the rate at which technology is being advanced, it might be possible by 2050!

victoria said...

ya, if you look at how far we have come from 1900, its been a big change. I remember in like 4th grade I saw an ad or something for one of those scooter things that you stand on and lean forward and it moves....just like a scooter! I remember thinking that such a thing would never actually be seen in our world, it would just stay in the labs. However, a few months later we went to the airport and there was a security guy flying around on one of those things!! Things definitely have changed.

Fatima H said...

Great Ideas guys! Have any of you read "The Time Machine", "The Last Book in the Universe" or any other futuristic books? Do you guys think that life will end up like that? You can also relate to futuristic movies.

Lauren T said...

It's very easy to fantasize about the seemingly impossible inventions that the future will bring us, but sometimes you can't help but think that it's not that far off. Technology is progressing at a faster and faster rate each year, and just think: remember when the first iPod came out? It was revolutionary! When we look back at it now, all we think is, "Ew, gross. Look how big it is! Look at that black and white screen!" So it's pretty cool to see how fast we're advancing.

Taylor B said...

Personally, I think its impossible to predict the future too accurately. Take for example the Jetsons, (the old cartoon about a futuristic family) their family was supposed to have lived around our same time period, but obviously we aren't anywhere near that development yet. In 40 years I have no idea what the world will be like. We could all be dying of a new super virus, the world could have ended (2012), or we could be happy living on Mars! I have NO IDEA!