Friday, November 21, 2008

High School Stress

We all know that although high school has its fun and freedom that junior high didn't posses that much, it also has its stress. Being in the Glenbrook Academy, taking other honors classes, participating in extracurriculars, and of course all while still maintaining a social "life." Juggling everything together is difficult, and sometimes it is a living torture for me. Late nights, fatigue the next morning, or maybe even some classes that you can't keep up with. The life of a student is a stressful one.

So how do you deal with it? Everyone has their own unique way to battle stress. Do you play a sport to relieve stress? Listen to some music? Go for a walk? I learned in Health class last year that activities such as watching fish more, giving hugs, and petting animals actually lowers your blood pressure and lowers stress! Who knew! And if you don't have that "activity" you do to help with stress, what type of activity do you think you would want to do? There's still 3 1/2 more years of high school. I know worrying about the future is unhealthy, but it's pretty much known that stress is inevitable in high school. When we finally become upperclassmen(!!!), we will begin to worry about those dreadful ACT's, SAT's, and college picking. So it would be a great idea to have that something that's your stress-reliever. Not to say that high school is a one, long, tension- filled life; because it's not. High school is definately going to be a blast!

Health is defined as a complete state of physical, mental, AND social well-being and not just the absence of disease. We don't normally think of it like this, but handling stress is a crucial part of having good health. Now back on to the question that I managed to stray from. 8) I want you to share your personal methods of relieving stress. What works for you?


Taylor B said...

I just try to live in the moment. Tomorrow is tomorrow, so I just appreciate today. But when the stress gets to much for me I plays sports; I love to swim laps it really helps to calm me down and clear my mind. When I am angry and stressed, I play volleyball! I really recommend it; it is a constructive way to get your anger out, you can channel it and let it out on the ball. Sometimes my mom will drive me to Gilson beach and I go for a peaceful walk on the beach. Or I turn on intense rap and dance around my bedroom, embarrassing but true :). I think whatever makes you happy can help relieve stress.

-Chocolate and exercise both cause your body to produce endorphins, which make you happy!

Kathryn said...

Hm, how do I relieve stress?
Well, if I have a couple hours, I sit down with a good, fat book. But since free time and fat books aren't too common right now, I tend to make cookies. Baking is really relaxing for me, because it never changes.
Also, if I go and lie down on my bed and listen to my iPod for awhile, that helps too.
Anyone noticed it's really, really hard to relieve stress when you haven't done your homework yet?

Oh, I almost forgot my best stress-reliever: my hot tub, which we just got. Most nights I'll just hop in for 20 minutes, and it's really calming and nice.

Darrell G said...

lol....these are some pretty cool ways.
walking on the beach sounds calming
and I know a lot of people bake to reduce stress. Baking kills two birds with one stone. First, you can relieve stress, and then you get a nice treat that you can eat at the end!

chelly. said...

Music, music, music. I usally try to vent my stress through writing music. Writing in general is a great way to express feelings and just get stress out of your system. I find that finding the right melody on the guitar (I bet most of you didn't know that I play guitar...) and putting words to it (...and that I sing) is just such a beauiful and stress relieving activity. If I ever feel any sort of emotion I'll pick up the guitar and start strumming away. The sound that different chords create is very, very soothing.
And then there's volleyball. Most of you know that I'm a big volleyball player. Just put me in a gym and give me a volleyball and I'd be set. I seriously eat, sleep, go to school and play volleyball. It's my life.

MK said...

I like to blast my music really really loud, but I know many people do that.
Other than my music... I like to write music. When i'm stressed or hurt or just in a weird mood...I tend to write choruses to songs or the whole song itself. Then singing it helps me relax.

Last thing I do when i'm stressed is I like to vent to my friends. I just rant and rant like there is no tomorrow, and by seeing how stupid it sounds, I usually can laugh it off and move on.

Darrell G said...

Writing music is such an awesome way to free stress, but I could never do that! 8( Of course, I totally forgot about simply talking to friends. Thanks for reminding me, Mary. It's cool how you can also find people that do similar things as you to relieve stress; like how both of you, Chelsea and Mary, both write music. Sometimes you can relate to these people better, and then talk about it with them and do your "activity" together, which makes it more fun.

Pat said...

Playing drums is my main one.

I actually try to find something to look forward to, and use that as a source of persuasion to do what I have to do.

Also, I do play sports. Going to workout after school relieves stress, and then on sundays, to take a break from homework, I work out and go swimming.

All these things work well for me, as well as the occasional TV show. Or, something special works well. Going out to dinner one night, ordering in, or just anything to break away from a normal scheduled day works well.

And, of course, hanging out with friends is great.

victoria said...

this is a tough one for me. I feel like I am one of the last kids who isn't fully adjusted to this new high school setting yet! Unlike alot of people, they are able to balance their time more when they have a sport or something going on. For me, during volleyball season, it is really hard to do that. I take alot of time on everything so my time management skills aren't so awesome.
There is one thing I do that helps with stress though. Whenever I'm really stressed I do something that takes all of my attention. Its really weird, but I either paint my nails (sorry guys you can't really do this) or clean my room. It really strange, but I just feel so much better after I do them.

Darrell G said...

cleaning your room, Vicki?
i wish i was like that
for some reason that reminds me of Bob Saget in Full
Ohh and ordering food is another good one, Pat. That little change from the normal routine is good enough to make me feel better too.

Graicey said...

Vicki: i totally understand what you're saying about cleaning your room. sometimes there's just too many distractions and it also helps to take a break.

when I'm stressed, I always take a break. Usually, i go sit on the couch and read one of my little brother's hardy boy books. they're actually very entertaining, and the mysteries are really intense. (wooooow i sound weird)
or sometimes, i'll have orange juice. it wakes me up. or go on facebook for like 5 minutes. then I'll go back to doing what i'm supposed to be doing. like right now, I should be doing math but i'm taking a break.

Anna said...

MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC! that is the only thing i can say on the matter. it simply melts my stress away!

Anna said...

oh, and i posted that before i read mary's and chelsea's posts! i write music too, but it usually starts as poetry. i've only actually set one of them to notes, and it's horrible. but it gets rid of stress amazingly!

Nirali D said...

personally i dont handle stress to well. i am usually stressed since i have too much to do and not enough time, so i cant really do something else. i look forward to sleeping, watching tv, and relaxing, so i motivate myself to finish faster (even if the work wont be as good because i know otherwise it will make a very hard week for me). if i do have time, i do what vicki does and paint my nails. eating comfort food or ice cream really helps, because it eases my mind off of things. music and reading help too like you guys said. great advice and tips!

oh and i don know if you guys dream/daydream but i do all the time. its basically my happy place which probably sounds really weird, but it helps long as im not daydreaming instead of working!