Thursday, November 20, 2008

Books vs. Movies

I was wondering what you guys think about books and the movie versions. Now this is not about Twilight. Do you guys prefer the books or the movies? For example, Harry Potter and The DaVinci Code. I know personally, I never read the Harry Potter books. I tried in 4th grade but I just couldn't. So this summer I just decided to read the books. I wanted to know so badly how the series finished and couldn't wait for the movie (which was supposed to be released on my birthday but now we have to wait until July! What were they thinking?). I really love the books because they basically grab you into the worls of wizardry. Then I found out they were opening a Harry Potter theme park in Orlando, Florida. I saw pictures of the plan and it looked pretty cool. I'm glad I read the books, but I love movies too so I can't wait. Personally, I think they did an amazing job with the movie, and the books whirl your imagination in different ways others can't experience. I'm really glad I read The DaVinci Code before I saw the movie. The main reason was since my older brother was confused and I was the expert for once. He had to ask me what was going on. But in this case, they differed the plot much more than I expected.

How do you guys feel about books to shows? I don't know many except for the girly ones like Gossip Girl and Privileged. One of course based off of Gossip Girl, the other off of How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls by Zoey Dean. I only read the Gossip Girl books, and I love the show. Here they show books which are turning into movies or have already been turned into movies. Some seem kinda far-fetched to me. So basically what do you guys prefer? Pros and cons for books and movies?

Okay, so before I was thinking of writing this, I was "googling" weird news to see if I could come up with something interesting to write about. Sorry to disappoint. I clicked on one of the links from the first page, and this website had very strange news. At first I thought it wasn't real. It was about a "Werewolf Boy" and "Vampires," and I realized how everything recently related to Twilight. (sorry if you aren't a fan.) Including the phrase "twilight zone" which was reoccurent before we watch the movie today. As you noticed, half of us started cracking up because we all thought of Twilight. Do you think it will meet the expectations of the fans and readers?


Fatima H said...

I personally think that I experience a whole different world when I read books. When I watch the movie afterward, it's a whole new perspective. I like to read before watching the movie because if I read it afterwards, the film scenes go through my head and restrict me from "stepping outside the box of imagination." One of my favorite series when I was little were The Series of Unfortunate Events. For some reason, it was interesting to read about three kids where everything genuinely unfortunate happens. I was intrigued in the series. I loved the movie, but I thought the endings weren't portrayed well. I thought the books were way better. If I had a choice, I'd prefer to read the book rather than watch the movie.

victoria said...

yes, books are always better then movies. I am always disappointed with a movie after I have read the book. If I haven't read the book than I think the movie is awesome though :) Just the way books stir your imagination is something that can't be created in any movie by means of the actors, set, director, etc... every book is different to every person, so it is really hard to reacreated that in movie form. But I still love watching the movies, always hoping that there will be one just as good as the book. ::))

Meghana said...

Books are ALWAYS better. They give a bigger opportunity to delve into the characters minds and get to a level that the visual movies cannot.
Not to say I'm not a complete movie buff either!

Meghana said...

Books are ALWAYS better. They give a bigger opportunity to delve into the characters minds and get to a level that the visual movies cannot.
Not to say I'm not a complete movie buff either!

Taylor B said...

Okay, for anyone who saw "Twighlight", I think we can all agree that books own movies.

Kathryn said...

well, i disagree that books are always better than movies.
for anyone who was in pleasant ridge with me and noticed then, i LOVE to read, but i also LOVE to watch movies. it's such a different experience for both: plus, i love it when my favorite books are made into movies and i can see the characters represented on the screen, no matter if they fit my images or not.
i always wish my favorite books would be made into movies: for example, The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles. Which hasn't been made into a movie, and sadly, probably never will.

chelly. said...

Books aren't always better than movies necessarily. I think that the reason that books are "better" most of the time is because when you read a book, one has a whole mindset of how they picture the book. Their imagination is geared towards what they picture the characters to look like, what they picture the setting to be. But when a movie is made, actors are put in the character's place and especially if they don't act the part well, then it just takes away the open interpretation and imagination of the reader.

MK said...

Taylor...agreed! Twilight was interesting. Every serious scene or intense scene was funny rather than what it should have been.

Graicey said...

books > movies.

that's all there is to it.