Thursday, February 5, 2009


Needless to say, during our last "political" discussion, I was upset.  What upset me wasn't the fact that my views were unsupported, but that they weren't the least bit respected.  The only reactions I got were personal attacks, eye rolling, and the occasional sarcastic sigh.  Just because I do not fully heartedly support Barrack Obama and his policies*, doesn't mean that I don't have a valid opinion.   So honestly, the next time we try to have a "political discussion", refrain from personal attacks if you find yourself at a loss for intelligent comments.  It just makes you look stupid.

So to keep the classroom a little quieter how about we talk politics here.  What do you think about the new stimulus package?  Do you have faith in Obama?  Should the Bush tax cuts be renewed?  What are your overall opinions on George W. Bush?

Also, if I had an extra $1,000 a month I would not by five pairs of shoes, I have never bought a $200 pair of shoes, and I find that quite ridiculous.  But I would stimulate the economy by making other purchases, and donate to my church because it is falling into debt.  Just in case anyone was wondering.

*My current opinion is that the new stimulus package it was too expensive, it creates minimal jobs, wastes money on ambiguous categories, and is lacking a short term fix.


Meghana said...

i wholeheartedly agree with you taylor, because even though i completely disagree with a lot of your views, that doesn't make your opinion mean less than mine (and i'm sorry if i ever make you feel that way!!!)

also, though i am an avid democrat, there's something about barack obama that i find disconcerting. i dunno..
but i do love joe biden!!

and this is all coming from me, who comes from a family made up largely of very fierce republicans. both of my parents are democrat but all of my uncles (except for one) are republicans. and they REALLY like to speak their minds.

so there we go. that's my two cents.

Mr. M said...

Sounds like a pretty heated day, Taylor. If you actually were the recipient of "personal attacks, eye rolling, and the occasional sarcastic sigh," that's very disappointing. I've seen our class discuss in a civil manner; it's not that hard. If anyone realizes that he/she "crossed the line," I certainly hope he/she has the guts to apologize to you.

Politics (like religion)tends to illicit tremendous emotion. Sadly, the adults in this world (at least the ones in the media) can be the most immature of all--name calling, simplistic thinking, refusal to listen.

This was obviously bothering you; I'm glad you spoke up.

Graicey said...

i don't understand politics. or the stock market. so i try to avoid both.

(how does one become a politician? do they go to college for politician-ing, or what?)

Meghana said...

usually you go to college to become a lawyer, and work your way up through local government to the senate, etc. but i guess you don't HAVE to.

Nirali D said...

Taylor, I remember this and it upset me too that people were attacking you. It was unfair and rude, and I value your opinion, although I may disagree in some ways. It's sad that people attacked you just because you speak up about your opinion and it differs from most others'. And nice idea with the $1000....I <3 you.

Darrell G said...
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Darrell G said...

Sorry, Taylor if I offended you in any way. I remember that intense discussion clearly.

I'll respond more to the topic of the actual stimulus package.

I think it's necessary. Although you're right that it won't provide a short-term fix, and currently there are some unneeded categories which it funds, like $650 million for the switch from analog to digital tv and money to restore national "treasures." Right now, I agree that we don't need that. But these things are going to be cut because as the stimulus passes through the Senate, Republicans are definately going to argue and take most of these unneeded categories off the package.

You're right that there's no short-term fix, but I think it's more important to have a long-term solution to this economic crisis. We'll feel the effects of the stimulus by the second half of 2009/2010. It's not too bad.

I definately think the benefits outweight the costs. It increases renewable energy, so there's more jobs right there to run facilities and that decreases oil dependency, so we don't have to pay for those high gas prices. Without the stimulus, $79 billion is lost towards education. That means that schools have to cut programs like art, music, classes, and we learned from TED how important that is. Education is pretty important in the U.S.

Then, with it comes Obama's universal health care plan, which will help boost the economy because it relieves pressure off families without insurance and can't spend to save their children who are mentally/physically ill. Then, tax-cuts for the middle-class, which is the largest social sector in the U.S., is necessary. This is where everyday people are feeling the biggest impact both financially and emotionally.

Sorry for this long speech...8(
Taylor, you actually made me look into this. I knew that I supported the stimulus package, but I didn't really know the specific reasons why. Thanks for that, but I still respect your view because $900 billion dollars in a time like now is pretty risky.

Connor O said...

Unfortunately, these kinds of personal attacks are often used by politicians as a convenient way to win arguments. Instead of arguing about the way different policies will affect the economy, they can just portray economic conservatives as greedy rich people trying to grab even more money. The worst personal attacks create an "Us vs. Them" attitude where anything that helps the rich is bad for everyone else.

Personal attacks prevent open debate over economic policies, and misrepresent legitimate arguments to the public so that they can't make informed decisions. During our discussion, for example, it was clear that a number of people had never even heard the arguments for conservative economics. There was no way that they could fully understand the issue when they had only heard one side of it.

Anna said...

i can really sympathize with what you said about the $1000, as my temple is in the process of a combustion of sorts. we have always been small, but we have less than 100 members and not enough money to keep ourselves afloat. it would be a shame to see such a strong part of my life for that past 12 years fall to dust. i remain a barack obama supporter, but i think sometimes he may be seen in too highly a light. it may backfire in our faces...

i by no means agree with rush limbaugh though. he said of obama, "i have four words: i hope he FAILS!!!" i think that is ridiculous. now that obama is president, he needs our support if we are going to get anywhere. it's time to truly become the UNITED states of america.

Taylor B said...

wow, it took me awhile to check this, but thanks for all the comments.

p.s. obama unveiled the stimulus package and the market dropped 389 points, he signed it and it dropped 297 points. Is anyone else reading the signs?

p.p.s I will have you all converted to republicans by senior year :)

Meghana said...

taylor, i am not a democrat. i repeat: not a democrat. i am not going to be "converted," because i refuse to be a part of a certain party.
also, i don't really like barack obama, so i see what you're saying there. i AM in political love with joe biden, though.

MK said...

Hun, have you learned nothing about me since we've been BFF's since 2nd grade? I'm soo soo stubborn, so I'll give you all the money in my pocket the day you convert me to be a Republican, haha.