Thursday, February 26, 2009


So I was sitting trying to figure out how to write this blog so it was sort of interesting and not completely pointless. Basically I started reading up on this girl, Alice Dellal. She's a multibillion dollar heiress (of the celebuspawn set) and daughter of model Andrea Dellal and Jack Dellal (son of a property-somethingorother). She hangs with the likes of Peaches Geldof and Mick Jagger's son, James. I just started to find out who she is, and she's really interesting. She's been tapped as the next Kate Moss (who, if you didn't know, actually WAS the one to be when she was at her prime. also, she was engaged to Johnny Depp). So enough about her, but if you're curious, here are some pictures of her from recent fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear shows. I think there's a few from 2008 as well.
Anyway, the point of all of this is that I CAN tie this into something relevant. We've all proved the fact that we are smart. But there's all different kinds of smart. Personally, besides the school stuff, I'm really knowledgeable about almost anything fashion or gossip. Yes, sounds superficial. Some of it is. There's a lot more to it than people think, though. To me, it's totally interesting. If you're interested in architecture, it's really similar. Just...on people. An article from the July 2008 issue of Vogue comes to mind. It's all about the 162 year old Spanish luxury house Loewe getting a new creative director. They have a few pictures of some of the pieces in the collection, and there is literally a shoe with a stiletto heel made of a screwdriver. Pretty crazy [awesome] stuff.
So, what I ask of you is:
What makes you smart (other than things that we use in school). It's pretty cool to see what we all know about. Especially when it's some crazy eccentric stuff.


MK said...

If you haven't already noticed, I'm kind of obsessed with good manners. I might sound very energetic and hyper, but when it comes to manners...I'm always mannerful. I have started correcting people when they say "can I" instead of "may I". I also answer the phone saying the longest intro ever even if I know who is on the phone. Ask taylor, she would know haha.

Kathryn said... be honest with you, I can be pretty dumb off-paper. I think Mary said something about it once, but i definitely have my blonde moments. i just don't really have common sense...or if i do, i haven't noticed.
i am musically smart--ive been taking lessons since i was six or seven, and i mean music theory as well. and probably athletically smart too if there's such a thing.
cool post.

victoria said...

meghana! that shoe you were talking about completely reminded me of this book i hv thats lk shoes through the ages, its awsome. there is a shoe that looks like a stair case, and even more interesting one of the shoes in the book i hv at my house :O

Meghana said...

definitely very cool. you'll have to bring it sometime!

Lauren T said...

There are a few topics that I could never get bored of and that I am "smart" in.

1) I know A LOT about food, especially baking. You said that makeup is a way for you to express your creativity, and well, baking/creating things is my creative outlet. Sounds stupid, I know, but I think all of it is very interesting. When trying new [ethnic] foods, I like to relate certain herbs and spices, for example, to the various cultures they are present in and find commonalities among them. It's a great new experience every time.

2) Along the same lines as the previous one: nutrition. I think it's so interesting, and I LOVE reading about it. I don't even know why, it's just great stuff.

3) Religion. This is the biggest one for me, and I could talk about it for hours. I'm not even an extremely religious person, but I just find it fascinating. I especially love learning about other religions.

Alex said...

Haha, Lauren, either Meghana or I said that about makeup creativity. =D I'm not that experimental at school, but I have a huge makeup collection. My sister used to 'design' all this different stuff for my dance shows/plays/etc. (she's fantastic at it) and she taught me all I know.


1. I'm a grammar/spelling Nazi. I don't now why. Typos totally follow me. I'm not kidding with you. It's creepy. My parents are starting to get annoyed. But if people would stop using "it's" instead of "its" the world would be a better place. However, this almost never applies to my own work.
2. I am a very fast typing and can do so without looking.
3. When you're in the wrong key when you're singing, I know it. And I'll tell you. I have a very good musical ear for sharpness/flatness/etc. I can pick out harmonies to metal, 'nuff said. =)

clycchick13 said...

AHH!!! ALEX, I KNOW!!! It's been so bad for me especially this past week because I haven't been singing, and I sit there and listen to people sing SO FLAT it's not even funny. Normally I just try to sing extra-loud, but since I can't sing I have to listen and cringe. Ehhhhhh.

And you guys know I love to bake. It's exciting: my mom lets me bake a really fancy dessert for our Sunday lunch; last week I made Pumpkin Mousse Cake and it was really fun.