Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I am...

...Mary, the paper-smart blonde, likes to think she has A.D.D. and/or A.D.H.D., singer, etc.

The other day we were trying to think of who we were and many people put little sayings that just got me confused and didn't help me realize who you were at all. I know many people wish they could be different or could change something about themselves. I also know that your friends make up a large part of who you are. I couldn't live without my friends, or lead singers, but I wish that sometimes I could be taken more seriously. I'm the ditzy one, the crazy one (I mean did you see my outfit on Monday?), but I also don't get to have a lot of academic and common sense respect...if that makes sense? If there was one thing I could change about myself, it would be that I didn't make myself sound so ditzy or out of it. Most of the time, I realize what I just said was pretty stupid, but before I can correct myself, someone like Tarpey says "dork" or "albino" or something of that matter. Take note that I actually answer to "albino" now, and it's ok by me. He's one of my good friends, but I wish I could've made myself seem less ditzy.

So... in all of that rant, which I tend to do a lot, there is something I was trying to say. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why? Would you change something just for fun or do you have a set thing you want different?

Ok well... that's it. Oh, I know it's book-smart, but paper-smart is an inside joke so yeah.


Alex D said...

Physically, I wish I had 20/20 vision. I really want laser eye surgery, because contacts are a pain. Let's put it this way- my prescription in either eye is in the negatives.

Personality-wise, I wish I was more organized.

Meghana said...

ooh, agreed with both of you! alex, i sooo wish i could see what was happening. and mary, i am always sounding super ditzy and stupid. so yeah :)
but it's me, so whatever.

chelly. said...

So how do I say this without it sounding really corny? God made us this way, every aspect of us, every personality trait, a certain way. If it's how he wants us to be, then that's what makes us special. Sure we want to be different physically, maybe even mentally. But it is what it is...I wouldn't change anything about myself. I am who I am. :)

Graicey said...

welll that's a loaded question if i've ever heard one.

i think that a person is defined by actions and thoughts and you can't put those into a ssentence that sounds good.

i don't know what i'd want to change about myself. i don't think i will need to, because as we grow up we change and mature naturally. so we'll all end up the way that is best for us.
if that makes sense to anyone besides me...

Nirali D said...

yeah graicey that makes sense to me...
i don't think there's much i want to change. i just want to be a better person and make a difference (i know its pretty cliche). i mean, im a totally different person than who i was last year. i used to just be the smart kid who everyone used for answers, and i realized i hated being that and treated that way. now, i try to have more fun. its okay for me to be crazy and loud and i sound stupid all the time (as u may have noticed). i guess im just saying, its okay to be whoever you are.

Mackenzie Rech said...

I also have my moments, lots of them. But like Chelsea said, I am who I am, and I don't think that I would really want to change anything about me.

Lindsay said...

mary, keep your hands off my lead singers.
I think that there are alot of things that i wish i would change about myself, but overall i appreciate myself for who i am.
and lol, tarpey's such a meanie.

Jacob H said...

I don't think I would change anything about myself if I could. Perhaps I would change my attitude towards changing, but that kinda seems like cheating...

btw, who's turn is it to post?

Fatima H said...

Because we are human and not perfect, we sometimes feel the urge to look at the people who are in some way better than us. We sometimes even wish we were like them saying the grass is greener on the other side. Though most often, the grass is the same color as it is in your backyard. Sometimes I really do wish I can change myself, for instance, not get worried about the slighest things. Ultimately,I mostly agree with Chelsea, "I am who I am." The exception is when you have some bad quality, like lying, you can always change that. :)

victoria said...

i really wish i had a photogenic memory, because i honestly think i have alheimers(alzeihmers??). if forget alot of things

clycchick13 said...

hmm. i think i would like to be flexible. you guys might laugh, but i can't even touch my toes.

Anna said...

one thing i've recently changed about myself (i think for the better) is getting over my major trust issue. i used to never talk about anything out of some twisted fear that people would turn on me. but i've opened up a lot more this year and i'm proud of myself for doing so.

i would still like to change how much importance i put on how people think of me. i end up caring more about what they think than what I think. but i'm working on it...