Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Every winter when New Years comes around, many of us choose to make goals for ourselves for the upcoming new year. With a fresh start and the whole year ahead of them, people want to improve their lives. These New Year’s resolutions usually consist for trying the loose weight, not fighting with you brother or sister, etc. But are these goals really reasonable?

I guess it would depend on the person. It seems as though once the rush of the new year is over, people seem to forget about their goals and don't really change. I'm not making fun of these people, for I am also one of them. Many of my goals are never reached merely because I just stop thinking about them. Setting goals should be about you and fit to your lifestyle personally. If loosing weight and fighting less fits into your lifestyle, then those are great goals, as long as it is important to you.

Since the main purposes of these resolutions are to improve your life and become a better person, we should learn to make goals that we can manage over the course of a year. Long term goals which include things that we can constantly be making progress at seem to be the best way to go. I think that when people start making goals this way, they will be much more proud of their success.

Alright, enough of that. What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions? What are you going to do change this year?


Graicey said...

yeah i'm not really one for new year's resolutions. i think it's kinda stupid, honestly.
it's like
"let's make up for last year by being super good this year!"

p.s. I'm not sure what the tone of our posts should be. Are they a formal assignment, one that we would be okay turning in? or is it a more casual thing? you may have noticed, rachel's post and mine were quite different in style.

Darrell G said...

well..i, and probably tons of other people, always make new year's resolutions i can't keep. Sometimes maybe i can for the first two months.
This year's resolution, I am probably
going to go with something attainable. Maybe,I'll start with sharing the remote with my younger brother when I'm watching TV. (b/c he never usually likes what i watch)

Taylor B said...
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Taylor B said...

New Year's resolution is to stop fighting with my younger sister, she drives me crazy sometimes, but i still love her

clycchick13 said...

mine is to ignore facebook for a month. like that's going to happen