Monday, January 19, 2009

The Extra Degree...

Watch this first: It's not long, don't worry. When you're done, come back and read the rest of this blog post.

So...I'll try to make this short and sweet. I don't know what your first reaction was after watching that video just now, but I was inspired. I was inspired to give 101% effort into everything that I do. Watching the section about sports made me realize that every action we take in life matters and affects our next move. (By the way, I think they should update Michael Phelps into that video--he grabbed gold by, what? 0.01 sec.? If he had been 0.01 seconds slower, he wouldn't have achieved his goal...he wouldn't have gone down in history...) Anyways, this video is shown during work meetings, for sports teams, and the like...and I want to know what you think about it.


MK said...

I really like that video! As I said in my blog post, I wish I didn't act so "blonde" all the time. So I want to try getting better at coming across smarter without being intimidating. I don't mind being slow sometimes, its actually kind of fun to be the center or some jokes. I can try harder to take the harder path just to make that one smart point instead of the easy/blonde way out.

Fatima H said...

It is very inspiring. I truly agree. Effort means everything. Effort can make a big difference. It works with everything, school, homework, sports, etc.

It's a very nice inspiring movie:

"One degree can make the difference"

Meghana said...

i think it's so cool, and it makes you seriously take a second to reflect.
but i can't help myself, i find myself thinking of how michael (from the office, if you couldn't already tell) would react to showing that in the office!

Graicey said...

When I say this, I mean nothing to offend anyone. and sorry if i do, but this is my honest reaction:

If that was supposed to motivate me, it totally didn't work. It was a pathetic excuse trying to shove 'the extra degree' down my throat. And what is the bonus you get when you do accomplish the extra degree? Not happiness, or stable relationships, or being more relaxed, but MONEY. Did anyone notice that they tried to motivate through money?
it makes me sick to think that this is the video our people are watching and justifying their ideals with.

(for the full affect (effect?), it's best that you read this next section in a very sarcastic tone)

If you try hard, You'll get PAID!
And if you reach any personal goals or accomplish something actually meaningful, good for you! but mainly, you should be proud of your success because you'll get paid!

and how often is an everday office worker competeing in NASCAR or the olympic races?

all in all, I thought the movie was totally inappropriate and had a skewed message.
I literally stopped watching it after it started telling me where I could turn up the extra degree.

anway. meghana, I can totally imagine michael showing that. hilarious.

Lauren T said...

That was SO cool. This video really inspired me, especially during this stressful time when I need it the most :) I thought of schoolwork and how everything matters: every period, every minute spent on it is another bit of knowledge gained (hopefully). For track, "going the extra mile" (literally and figuratively), will make me that much stronger and that much faster. It's totally worth it.
Oh, and the Phelps thing=WAY COOL. I don't think my coaches ever failed to mention it at a meet, nor will they in the future.

Lauren T said...

Oh, and I totally agree with you, Graicey, but I have so much to say about the world's greed that it's just another hot topic for another time. For now, I think that the creator of the video was just trying to illustrate the margin of difference between first and second place because remember, kids: SECOND PLACE IS FIRST LOSER!

Anonymous said...

Ok, the video was pretty cool and stuff, but I need to clear this up: Phelps would still have gotten the gold if he went .01 slower ==> They share it if you tie exactly. It's happened twice in history before. So for him to lose he would have had have gone .o2 seconds slower. I know I'm being picky :D

chelly. said...

Haha, yes I could so see michael doing that :) Graicey, I totally understand where you're coming from. I think that's how people become the most motivated..through money. So I think that them trying to bribe us into giving the extra effort all in the end for money is all about the advertisement. They wanted to get a point across and they were trying to relate to their viewers, and grab their attention. Yes, I see how that is sickening but I can also see how it is motivational at the same time. Also, that's interesting, I didn't know that they'd share it. My bad, if Phelps had been 0.02 sec. slower, then he would have lost. That's. Still. Awesome!

Darrell G said...

I agree with "meant" message of the video, and I've always believed this throughout my whole life. Effort can really make up for things that you might not have. Like for a math topic, at first whatever is being taught might seem impossible and seem way over your head. You could just try and go with the flow, but then maybe right before the actual test you still don't understand the topic. With effort, you would attempt to understand it and if needed go to your teacher for help! I don't know. I've just felt that sometimes effort sometimes makes up for "not being as talented" at something.

victoria said...

I kind of had a mixed feelings abou this video. While it is inspiring I felt somewhat intimidated by its message. You guys were saying how every second of every day matters and that it will impact the rest of your life. I feel like now more than ever I try to put all my effort into things, but its just so exhausting. Sometimes you need that break and just give it your 50%. I liked it, but was kind of intimidated by the fact they were possibly attempting to get across- putting in all your effort into everything 100% of the time.

victoria said...

I kind of had a mixed feelings abou this video. While it is inspiring I felt somewhat intimidated by its message. You guys were saying how every second of every day matters and that it will impact the rest of your life. I feel like now more than ever I try to put all my effort into things, but its just so exhausting. Sometimes you need that break and just give it your 50%. I liked it, but was kind of intimidated by the fact they were possibly attempting to get across- putting in all your effort into everything 100% of the time.

Rachel said...

First off, money is a bad motivation tool. It only benefits you in materialistic ways.
Although some people put more effort in than others, it doesn't mean that those who don't work as hard aren't complete losers. The video made people who are second place seem like total failures, when really that isn't true at all.

MK said...

I think the money thing was to show you how big of a difference it is to be in first and second..... it's easier to explain then saying, being first gives you more family proud-ness or w/e then 2nd place or something like that. It is just easier to explain in money to show differences.

victoria said...

ya, i agree with you rachel. First place isn't always the best. Its okay to be in second. And its not realistic to say that we should be first everytime time.