Monday, January 19, 2009

The Extra Degree...

Watch this first: It's not long, don't worry. When you're done, come back and read the rest of this blog post.

So...I'll try to make this short and sweet. I don't know what your first reaction was after watching that video just now, but I was inspired. I was inspired to give 101% effort into everything that I do. Watching the section about sports made me realize that every action we take in life matters and affects our next move. (By the way, I think they should update Michael Phelps into that video--he grabbed gold by, what? 0.01 sec.? If he had been 0.01 seconds slower, he wouldn't have achieved his goal...he wouldn't have gone down in history...) Anyways, this video is shown during work meetings, for sports teams, and the like...and I want to know what you think about it.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Do you ever feel like a blob on Saturdays? That's the day I wake up at 11:00, sluggishly get up, and run into a wall in the process. Then, I practically fall down the stairs and stuff my face with oatmeal (everyone knows that if you don't eat oatmeal, you'll dry up-- Eloise!) I go to watch a movie in the basement, and don't come back up until it's been almost four hours. My mother yells at me to get up and do something, but I just eat some more and watch T.V. some more. By 6:37, I'm officially awake and I want to do something with my friends. But, nevertheless, they're all doing something else, because they were actually productive with their Saturday. Call me antisocial or whatever, but I'd rather be sleeping.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I am...

...Mary, the paper-smart blonde, likes to think she has A.D.D. and/or A.D.H.D., singer, etc.

The other day we were trying to think of who we were and many people put little sayings that just got me confused and didn't help me realize who you were at all. I know many people wish they could be different or could change something about themselves. I also know that your friends make up a large part of who you are. I couldn't live without my friends, or lead singers, but I wish that sometimes I could be taken more seriously. I'm the ditzy one, the crazy one (I mean did you see my outfit on Monday?), but I also don't get to have a lot of academic and common sense respect...if that makes sense? If there was one thing I could change about myself, it would be that I didn't make myself sound so ditzy or out of it. Most of the time, I realize what I just said was pretty stupid, but before I can correct myself, someone like Tarpey says "dork" or "albino" or something of that matter. Take note that I actually answer to "albino" now, and it's ok by me. He's one of my good friends, but I wish I could've made myself seem less ditzy.

So... in all of that rant, which I tend to do a lot, there is something I was trying to say. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why? Would you change something just for fun or do you have a set thing you want different?

Ok well... that's it. Oh, I know it's book-smart, but paper-smart is an inside joke so yeah.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Every winter when New Years comes around, many of us choose to make goals for ourselves for the upcoming new year. With a fresh start and the whole year ahead of them, people want to improve their lives. These New Year’s resolutions usually consist for trying the loose weight, not fighting with you brother or sister, etc. But are these goals really reasonable?

I guess it would depend on the person. It seems as though once the rush of the new year is over, people seem to forget about their goals and don't really change. I'm not making fun of these people, for I am also one of them. Many of my goals are never reached merely because I just stop thinking about them. Setting goals should be about you and fit to your lifestyle personally. If loosing weight and fighting less fits into your lifestyle, then those are great goals, as long as it is important to you.

Since the main purposes of these resolutions are to improve your life and become a better person, we should learn to make goals that we can manage over the course of a year. Long term goals which include things that we can constantly be making progress at seem to be the best way to go. I think that when people start making goals this way, they will be much more proud of their success.

Alright, enough of that. What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions? What are you going to do change this year?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gee, two weeks sure go by fast...

I guess I'd better get the ball rolling, seeing as school starts again tomorrow. blech.

and yet, I'm lost for ideas. So I'll ask the most predictable question:
What's the best memory you have of 2008?
here's mine:

When I go to Florida on Thanksgiving break, it's not just my family that goes. 2 more families of Van Spankerens pack up and ship off to Longboat Key, FLA. (it's like 2o minutes from Sarasota, for those of you who've never heard of it...) So all in all, there are 11 cousins from 3 different families that are all in Florida at one time. Four from my house, four from another, and 3 from another. 3 are 16 yrs old, 1 is 15 yrs old, 2 are 14 (we have the same birthday), 1 is 13, 1 is 12, 1 is 10, 1 is 9, and 1 is 8. (and there's a WHOOOOOOLE other family that doesn't come up for thanksgiving...)

It was thanksgiving day, and we were all totally stuffed. We were lazing about on the beach, we watched the sun set, fed the turkey carcass to the seagulls (they were unaware that that is cannibalism.). And when night fell, we walked down the beach to the long concrete pier that everyone fishes on in the mornings. We sat on the edge of the pier, salty air soaking everything in ocean water. and then my cousin got the bright idea to take a fishing pole someone had left there and fish. It wasn't the normal kind of pole. It was a bamboo one, the old kind that are very picturesque and just as impractical. He was casting and reeling in when all of a sudden it broke in half , mid cast. and so, half of this bamboo pole that didn't belong to us was floating abou tin the ocean. Our first reaction was to try to get it back, but it was too far gone by then, bobbing away on the black of the sea. So he took the half of the pole that survived and started walking back to our family. We all followed, noisily commemmorating all the silly things we'd done that trip. Halfway down the beach, there was this huge explosion. We turned around and found that someone had set up fireworks, blazing away in the night sky. Not the little stupid ones that are legal in wisconsin, but the HUGE glittering ones that go off on 4th of july. They were literally 2o feet away from us.
We all watched the fireworks show, and then laughed, and then went to the hot tub to soak our feet before they closed the pool at ten.
It was a goooooood day.

So everyone, that's my story. It sounds lame now that I'm rereading it, but I guess it's one of those things where you'd have to be there.

What's your favorite 2008 memory? Or least favorite memory? I don't care, whichever you can think of.