Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Strictly Hypothetical Scenario...

Many of you, if not most, have seen my doodles of personified inanimate objects. The first in line was a little tangerine with a contagious smile.

Upon its great approval by my fellow classmates (:D) I created similar creations. These included a pear, tomato, kiwi, orange, mango, and coconut (kokonawt). But I went further, I drew an angry bucket, a Slurpee cup with brain-freeze, and an ecstatic rice bowl. I plan to continue this trend, but meanwhile, it set me thinking: What If we lived in a world, where everything was personified, where every object had the capabilities of emotion and thought?! Now under this assumption, a number of things would occur:

  • You would no longer have any privacy. People would just have to get used to trusting the telephone booth not to look while you quickly change into a superhero outfit and fly off to save the world..
  • Different "things" would have different ranges of emotion based on their stereotypical niche. In other words, a rock, which to most people, [with the exception of geologist, who themselves can be very boring] would consequently have a boring personality. This, in turn, would serve as a basis for some social stratification.
  • The common expression "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me" will have a somewhat new meaning..
  • Rocks, in addition to being boring, can also be excessively violent.
  • Transportation vehicles (i.e cars, buses, planes) would no longer need drivers. This can be good or bad. If your car is a bad driver, and has frequent road rage, you MIGHT just want to get another car.

Then the question occurs; would buying and selling be acceptable? Wouldn't owning possessions be a form of slavery, if those possessions were living? This would not last very long, because an army of sticks, stones, cellphones, computers, and just about everything else could overpower the human population that owns them. Hence, arguably the most significant difference would be that we would either have no concept of possession WHATSOEVER, (contrary to hunter gatherer people who still possess tools and various items), or all possession would be mutual. Personally I think that the latter is more likely, because mutual possession exists even in our current world. One could say, "she/he's mine" or "I'm yours" or even on candy hearts when it says BE MINE. This context applies mainly to relationships in our society. However, because most people wouldn't be looking for a relationship with a stapler, there would be a different form of mutual possession. Just like the common example found in popular media with one being able to say "That's my dog, Fido" and the dog being able to say "That's my human, John."

Another thing to point out is that currently factories create products, which would grant the humans the control over the population size of many objects, a power that could easily be abused. Just as easily, those objects could start manufacturing either themselves, or other objects withing physical ability. What I mean by this, is that a computer could draw the plans for a small toy, a laser could melt down the plastic, which would re-solidify in a mold. Thus the computer, laser, and mold would have power of the small plastic toy population.

In summary, although this hypothetical universe would seem cool, amazing, and frungapolous, there would be unethical amounts of undying social stratification. I don't know what all of you would learn from this, but I learned that I should stick to my doodles and hope that my pencil doesn't mind.


Meghana said...

Roman, you're insane.
This was a totally random blog post.
You turned it into an entire hypothetical blog post.
Loves it =]

Graicey said...

and this, my friends, is what me, meghana, and roman do in bio.

Alex D said...

Can't wait to maybe join. =)

Fatima H said...

this seems very interesting, I would be so scared because everything would be so freaky; there would be no privacy at all.

Taylor B said...

Haha roman, I am offically scared of inanimate objects.

Taylor B said...


Anonymous said...

Define 'frungapolous' please.

Connor O said...

You know you're in Academy when you talk about social stratification in your blog posts.

Unknown said...

Over the past weeks there has been a lot of talk about college football. Whether it be about things like trophy winners, or great games, or fantastic teams, to players shooting themselves in the leg, the conversation is really stirring up the town. In the next view weeks the football season will come to an end with a series of bowl games. This system is very unique and is completely original to College football. The system consists of vast number of bowl games, (games played once between two teams and the winner receives the trophy), that take place all over the country. These games can range from the Holiday Bowl, to the Bowl. All the bowls are of relatively equal importance with the exception of the BCS Bowls. The BCS Bowls consist of the Fiesta Bowl, Orange Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Rose Bowl, and the BCS National Championship. These bowls are the coveted prize in college football especially the National Championship. Each year the contenders for each bowl are different. Every year, with the exception of the National championship that automatically picks the top two ranked teams, each bowl choses who it wants to play for it. Usually it is the most prestigious bowls, like the BCS bowls, that pick their teams first. After each game has been decided the games are played on various days between december and early January. The last bowl game to be played is always the national championship. With a new game every day between two great teams, causes for major excitement and entertainment in my life.

Although I have to admit that the end of the season is the best part of college football I also like watching football during the regular season. Even during the regular season there are still some great games. Being a Notre Dame fan I go to many of there games. If you have ever been to a game you would know what I am talking about. The crowd is always lively and yelling (especially the student section) the bands are playing, the cheerleaders cheer leading, the place is filled with noise. This makes for an exciting and enjoyable game even if your team doesn't really stand a chance. Even if you don't care much for football, watching a game with your family or friends is a great way to spend an afternoon.

By the way here's the final plays of the 2007 Fiesta Bowl. It was one of the best and excitng games I have seen.

Have you ever been to game? What was it like?
Have you ever seen a game you ever have really enjoyed?
Are there some other sports that you enjoy watching?