Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Hey everyone,
I'm actually in Boston right now! And I just had the best pizza in the whole world. Not even kidding.
But since we have "open blogging," I figured I'd just post something now instead of feeling guilty all throughout break about ignoring anything to do with school.
My family doesn't usually travel for Christmas--if we do go somewhere, it's usually right after Christmas (last year we went skiing over New Year's.) But this year, my parents decided to go visit family in Boston. My dad said it was "necessary" and that it was "our turn to go." On my dad's side, my grandparents, great-grandparents, three aunts and three uncles live here in Boston. I don't really like the idea of not being home for Christmas, but I think it'll be okay.
Another downside of this whole away-for-Christmas thing is the spreading out of presents. I like to get all my presents on Christmas morning. This year, I'll get a couple on Christmas morning, more when we come home, and more on New Year's. I'm not sure how happy I am about this.
So, do you guys think it's good to travel on Christmas? Do you usually? If not, do you wish you did?
See you all January 5th, and Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah.


chelly. said...

Every year my family and I stay home for the holidays. All of our family is right here in this area so we usually don't go far. I guess that it's fun to travel for the holidays, if you usually stay home. I guess that you could also get homesick easily, though. Well this year most of my dad's side of the family is heading out to Minnesota, one of my favorite places. My uncle is getting married the day after New Year's to his fiance who lives out there. We are driving out there after Christmas, so let's hope we don't get stuck in a blizzard or something!! :)

Lauren T said...

I have never been away for Christmas, and I like it that way. Not that it wouldn't be awesome to travel somewhere, but there's nothing like a wonderful Christmas at home with family. This year (today) my family's Polish Christmas Eve feast, called "Wigilia," is at my house, so it probably couldn't get any better. One year I went to Poland 2 days after Christmas and it was kind of cool because I had Christmas at home but I also got a taste (literally and figuratively) of the Christmas spirit in Poland. It was awesome.

Graicey said...

we never go anywhere for christmas. all of our family lives within 2 hours of each other, so driving works out fine.
big christmas eve party at my granparent's on my dad's side, and then my mom's family comes over to our house for christmas day.

MK said...

I LOVE traveling!! We usually travel on christmas at night so we don't miss the whole christmas morning thing. Now, since my sisters know about santa and stuff, my parents make our trips a present. Like... Right now I'm in LONDON!!! I love it here, but it was like the only gift I got for christmas... But that's ok, this beats everything else!

Taylor B said...

We only traveled once, but that wa to visit my grandparents now that they live here it isnt an issue. We are going to start traveling though now that my little sister no longer beleives in Santa and we don't have to worry about him "finding" us. :)