Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow Day

Just thought that doing a quick post on the snow day would be good.

How did you guys figure out it was a snow day? I heard about it from friends who have facebooks and stuff.

How did you guys spend your snowday? I spent mine sledding and just hanging out with friends. Sledding is a lot of fun when you don't snowboard down the hill and have your friends push you and watch you fall on your face...cough... taylor, lindsay... cough.

Hope you guys all have a good winter break!


Meghana said...

I heard from my friend, whose mom works at North in Special Ed.
How did I spend my snow day? We just left earlier for Minnesota (where I am right now)

chelly. said...

ooh I'm leaving for Minnesota on the 30th for a wedding.

victoria said...

i spent mine building gingerbread houses!! Sorry I couldn't go sledding, to watch you Mary fall on your face. haha just kiddin

Taylor B said...

SNOW DAY=AMAZINZG! Needless to say i was super excited, but now that we are back in school I realize it was kind of annoying. I had to take 2 tests when i got back. But i had fun on my snow day watching mary make a fool of herself on the sledding hill!