Wednesday, December 3, 2008

the Future!

Ok well I think today is my say, but I am going to post anyways! Vicki your post was very interesting. It kind of reminded me of an article I read awhile back. It was about scientists' predictions about what our society and technology will be like in the future. (50 years is what I think it was) Some of the technology they predicted there would be are self-driving cars, computers everywhere (even paper thin monitors to put in your pockets!), lots of wireless technology, robots, and other things. They also thought that there would be nano-materials in clothing and furniture that immediately clean up stains, holographic gourmet chefs to guide you while cooking, printers that could print 3 dimensional items, and smart clothes that allow you to change outfits without actually undressing. In relating to health, they predicted that people would be able to live up to 200 years old! Some of these things seem completely unreasonable and others may be within reason. I wonder how scientist could come up with these ideas.
Also, another thing that was part of this article was what people in the 1950's thought we would have today. It was predicted that today we would have waterproof furniture indoors, computers used to communicate, shop, and get the news, the idea of being able to take a pill instead of eating, flying cars, and personal jet-packs. While some of their predictions may have came true, most of them did not. This makes me wonder whether our predictions now are very reliable or not. When I first read this article a few years ago, it made me really excited to see what we would have in our future, but now I realize that we probably won't have all of this. Although a lot of these predictions would be really cool, I think that most of them are probably not going to come true. :(


Lauren T said...

Of course, predictions don't always end up happening because let's just face it: you can't predict that far into the future (sort of like the extrapolation of data in a scatter plot in math). A lot of these predictions are just based on the current rate of advancements in technology, but who knows? As we develop more and more ideas each year, we could even surpass the expectations of the future! How cool would that be?

Rachel said...

I am still looking forward to the day when they invent the flying car! That is going to be amazing!

Fatima H said...

"This makes me wonder whether our predictions now are very reliable or not."
~ MacKenzie
Well, the basis of all our inventions today are from our predictions, so I would think that our predictions are relitively reliable.

I agree with Lauren, usually when we predict something, humans tend to go over and beyond when each time it is perfected.

Perhaps one of the first maritime transportation was the canoe, and today there are hotels, water parks, pools restaurants etc. INSIDE these massive ships!!!!!

It's a wonder, the human mind, never know which direction it will head in.

Sam said...

It is always interesting to think about what is to come. But we can never really predict what is going to occur in the future, even if we want to. You can make estimations and guesses of what is going to happen. I think people want certain things to happen because it would make their lives easier than they already are. Do we really need flying cars and robots to live?

Fatima H said...

Then again, do we really need cell phones and all necessities to live........

Life still existed before the Ipod, computer, cellphone etc.........

It's just become a necessity of life now because humans have made it that way... I mean it was only a few years ago before these things were invented...

Life has continued no matter what from stone age to today.

victoria said...

200 years old. That is what suprised me the most. Sometimes I wonder if we would really like to be that old? I know this sounds silly, but if people can barely walk when they are 90 or so how do they expect us to function when we are 200?!? It will be very interesting to see.

Connor O said...

There's really not much risk in predicting that people from 2058 will live to be 200. If you think about it, the scientist who says that can't be proven wrong for 250 years. If he dies before then, everyone will most likely have forgotten he made the prediction; if he somehow manages to survive that long, it just proves that he was right!
And what would it be like to live that long? Can you imagine someone alive today who was born in 1808? They would have been born while Thomas Jefferson was president.
The other future technology sounds interesting, but somewhat unlikely. On the other hand, iPods, cell phones and laptops would have sounded absurd if someone had suggested them in 1958. Who knows what kinds of things we will have 50 years from now?

Unknown said...

Of course all that they predict is not going to come true and none of it is going to come true the exact way they planned. In other words, they could say were going to have paper thin monitors. This is probably not going to be the case but we might have something that is that convenient and serves that same purpose but they are not the same object. I have to admit these are some pretty cool things and I would definitely love to live to 200 (although this would cause over population). By the way Rachel, we are probably never going to invent flying cars because personal jets and small planes and serve the same purpose and are just as convenient. Something that will probably change though is more people will be able to afford these jets and there will be a more advanced and well set up guidelines for using them (like traffic laws).