Monday, December 22, 2008

First Academy vlog!

Quotebooks. Because when people say something embarrassing, you want to remember it. =)


Lauren T said...

YES! Nice call, Alex. I'm so excited!

Meghana said...

Nice call with the vlogging. I should try it once I'm not so disgustingly germy. I don't think you all want to see a video of me sniffling and coughing.
Coolio on the quote book, but do I really want people to hear what I say later? Because I tend to think AFTER I speak. :)
Happy Holidays!!

chelly. said...

Haha that's a cool idea, thanks Alex!

Meghana said...

hey it's anna (duh, see above) alex i actually drumrolled!! and you're awesome! *thumbs up*
that is all.
good day!