Monday, December 8, 2008

Emotional Intelligence

In seventh grade we had a topic involving emotional intelligence. For some reason, I found this topic very interesting, yet hard to understand at the same time. What exactly is emotional intelligence? Can one achieve perfect emotional intelligence?

I concluded that emotional intelligence is made up of several aspects. First of all, knowing yourself is important. Knowing yourself is how far you think you can push yourself, and who you believe you are through your own eyes. Accepting yourself is next. Just being okay with who you are and knowing your capabilities.

Another aspect of emotional intelligence that I found interesting was how you communicate with others. Communication is what makes the world go round, at least in my mind. By communication, I of course do not mean texting or emailing someone. Face to face conversation, calling someone, or showing them through your actions I believe is communication. Facial expressions are signs of communication. Communicating with others can also mean sharing your opinion or thoughts with others. Telling them how you feel, and what caused you to feel that way is what I think communicating is also.

Cooperation with others also involves communicating. During class we had a discussion over whether a society could be run without talking. How can one cooperate with his/her peers if they can't convey their ideas in the best possible way(preferably verbally)?

Another form of emotional intelligence is connecting with others. I think that connecting with others is when you can relate to other people and their problems. It is a time when you can understand what they are going through and try to help them get through it. If you can't connect with others, how are others supposed to connect with you? What are the effects of not being able to connect to others? Any other ideas of aspects of emotional intelligence?

Without emotional intellingence, our ideas would not be conveyed very well. We would be using powerpoints all of the time instead of speeches. Is there anything really inspiring about powerpoints, to a certain degree? One can possess immence intellingence, but without the emotional intelligence to portray that intelligence I think it is near worthless.
(sorry for the late post guys!)


Graicey said...

i like your powerpoint/speech allusion.

it makes you think.

what if 'I have a dream'
was a slide instead of an idea?

Rachel said...

after reading that I thought about how much your actions and words affect what others think of you. As the old saying goes, Actions speak louder than words!

Mr. M said...

Hi Sam,

I came across this article that covers a study that reached a scary conclusion. By "scary," I mean that it goes against everything I (and most teachers) believe.

Essentially, the article says you cannot teach emotional intelligence. I'm inherently skeptical of "studies," but I'm still bothered by this result.

"...lessons in which children discuss things like conflict, relationships and setting goals do not contribute to improved behaviour."

If you want to read more, go here:

Sam said...

That is scary Mr. Morgan. You would think that this program would have an impact on the ways kids act/behave/do in school. If you can't teach emotional intelligence, then I guess the kids without it are on their own. I think you can teach kids the principles, but you can't make them listen or use them.