Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Life of Pi Day 2

Here is our "class illustration" (click on it to see it bigger):
And the question to go along with it:
What, besides religion, did you feel that Yann Martel was emphasizing in the section and how is this expressed in our class illustration?

If you notice the answers getting repetitious and have nothing new to add, you may try one of these questions instead:

1) Either: what new insight does our picture reveal to you?

2) Or: what specific portion of our picture do you find problematic?

Notes from the questions:

In your personal life, what do you get out of your religion and does it relate to the car metaphor? If so, how?

  • God is your GPS
  • Who is Martel talking about?
  • destructive--larger=worse?
  • reason:car; religion:gps
  • answers questions
  • fuel=will power/motivation

In your opinion and ignoring Pi’s religious affiliation, what religion suits Pi the best?

  • Buddhism- ignores labels, about self, Pi=Buddha, live in the now
  • Bahai- accepts all religions with own philosophy
  • no religion- do whatever he wants

Using the text, what connection do you find between religion and human nature?

  • 2 steps towards God, he runs towards you (p. 61)
  • people need religion to create boundaries
  • Pi's house with all 3 religions--want to believe in something
  • human nature to want answers
  • book comes out on 9/11-->people turn to religion in times of need

Martel asserts that animals only attack when threatened. We find that his description of animals can be closely related to people. Do you think that in the same way there are no truly evil people, just people who are threatened?

  • tragedy and anger-take it out on those who don't understand
  • vicious circle
  • are we too nice to evil people?
  • no "Voldemort" evil--nobody capable
  • always a motive
  • everyone has some good--people who act without threat
  • greed in humans, not in animals
  • man most dangerous animal in zoo

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Knowing Content vs. Thinking Critically


The debate between "learning facts" and "learning to think" is nothing new. For decades, educators have voiced the importance of "thinking" and ranked the skill much higher than the accumulation of facts (i.e., memorization). "Thinking is a habit of the mind that can apply to any information," they say. Their intent is to teach students how to learn instead of what to learn.

Honing one's thinking skills is certainly a skill I value. In fact, I often like to see it in action. Formulating questions, considering multiple viewpoints, making connections, and examining a writer's craft are just some of the thinking skills stressed when actively reading a text. Of course I am a fan of critical thinking. My concern; however, has to do with completely downplaying the importance of pure facts or basic knowledge.

In the article, Goolge generation has no need for rote learning, Wikinomicks author Don Tapscott, states, "The existence of Google, Wikipedia and online libraries means that there is no useful place in school for old-fashioned rote learning." Seems extreme, don't you think? I, for one, never want to hear my doctor say, "I'm not really sure what exactly makes up the respiratory system, nor do I know exactly how it works. But, as soon as I run a few more tests, gather the data, and get online, I'll figure this out. I may not have a lot of knowledge, but I sure know how to synthesize data." That's the day I change doctors.

Yes, thinking skills are crucial to academic, professional, and personal success. But, without the core knowledge, what are you going to think about? Your turn. What do you think about the debate between "learning stuff" and "learning how to learn stuff"?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Okay, so I've been waiting to post forever. Today, I noticed a copy of Ender's Game sitting on the counter next to the computer, and I freaked out. I LOVE that book. I read it probably around 5th grade, and have been obsessed ever since. It's not great writing, but the ending is totally unexpected, and it takes a lot to throw me off guard like Ender's Game did. If any of you have read it, you might know what I mean. I won't tell you what happens--other than the fact that it's science fiction and involves aliens and a child prodigy--but I totally recommend it for a quick, fun read. 

It also has some pretty deep lessons about fame, hard work, discrimination, etc. So I was wondering: If you've read EG, how do you feel about it and the questions it raises? If not, what other books have "touched" you the way EG has always stuck with me? 

Monday, March 9, 2009

Reflecting THUS FAR

So, we are more than half-way done with Freshman Year! WOW! 1(almost) down 3 to go! How do you guys feel about? What were your goals this year? Did you accomplish them? How was it different than what you thought it might have been? How did Academy change your overall experience? What activities/clubs/sports have you done this year?

What are your plans for the next year?

How do you feel THUS far into the year? :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bets gone wrong...

So as many of you saw on Wednesday, I was dressed up a little to the extreme and it wasn't for track. It was because I lost a bet. Now, I thought I should explain it because I didn't really explain it in class.

The bet consisted of about 8 things. Running, Swimming, Arm Wrestle, Staring Contest, Holding your breath the longest, Pizza Eating, and Funny Voice. I won Running, Swimming, and Holding your breath. He won Arm Wrestle, Staring Contest and Pizza eating. We tied for the Funny Voice. That meant...... THE COLOR GAME! You'd think I would win because it's a guy and they usually don't know that many colors...no offense guys. Shockingly, I lost. I'd like to say that my sisters distracted me, but I just don't know many colors.

Well... I need a new thing to bet with. If he loses, his beard gets shaved...and trust me, we want it shaved!! So what should I do? Should it be something that requires talent? Something that doesn't require talent? What should I do if I lose, and don't say dress up funny...I mean, I already did that. Ideas would be great, or just comments about bets you've made...anything is fine.